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弱者 Should a healthy adult take a daily multi vitamin

编辑: admin 来源: 未知 时间: 2024-07-01阅读次数: 220
弱者の反撃-Is it healthy to take a multivitamin every day? u0026quot;Taking a reputable multivitamin every day is unlikely to harm you,u0026quot; says Dr. Okunnu. She stresses, though, that they shouldnu0026#39;t be viewed as a pass to eating poorly — since a healthy diet comes with numerous other benefits, including satiety and meeting your daily fiber intake.
How do you know if you need a multivitamin? You may need a daily multivitamin if you are:
Is it better to take a multivitamin or individual vitamins? Which are Better Multivitamins or Individual Vitamins? Thereu0026#39;s no superior supplement, it depends on your individual health needs and requirements. If youu0026#39;re looking to start taking supplements to maintain optimal health and provide your body with additional nutrition, multivitamins might be the better option.
Should the average person take vitamins? Supplements are designed to be additions to your diet.

Popping pills is not the answer to good health. Experts say you should eat a well-balanced diet and take supplements to fill in any nutritional gaps. Some people take a multivitamin with minerals for nutritional insurance.
Should I take a daily multivitamin? Harvard Health-While most people get enough vitamins and minerals from a regular diet, they may benefit from taking a daily multivitamin supplement. 他の人はこちらも質問"Taking a reputable multivitamin every day is unlikely to harm you," says Dr. Okunnu. She stresses, though, that they shouldn't be viewed as a pass to eating poorly — since a healthy diet comes with numerous other benefits, including satiety and meeting your daily fiber intake. Should I Take a Daily Multivitamin? The Nutrition SourceMultivitamins can play an important role when nutritional requirements are not met through diet alone. Learn more about these supplements. Is There Really Any Benefit to Multivitamins?A recent look at multivitamins by Johns Hopkins researchers shows that there's no proof of benefit. Find out the one supplement deemed beneficial—and how…… Should you take a daily multivitamin? Piedmont HealthcareFor the average person, multivitamins have not been found to be effective in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia or recurrent infections. Multivitamins—do you need one? And which one should you ……Taking a basic multivitamin is unlikely to harm your health, assuming the product is properly manufactured. Most products contain reasonable amounts of vitamins…… Health Benefits of Multivitamins WebMD-Each day, one third of American adults take a multivitamin. Learn more about the nutrients supplements provide and how to choose the one…… Do Multivitamins Actually Do Anything? Houston Methodist-It may seem like a good idea to take a multivitamin every day, but are these supplements really benefiting your health? Find out here. Ask the Doctors Should I take a multivitamin, just to be safe?-The short answer is that for most patients, we believe that if you're eating a balanced diet, one that includes whole grains, a variety of…… Should You Take A Multivitamin? – Forbes Health-Taking a supplement every day will not let you off the hook when it comes to eating well, and multivitamins aren't a magic pill nor a substitute…… Should I take a multivitamin? Here's what the science says.-Taking a multivitamin daily is generally regarded as safe. But because there isn't enough evidence of benefits for healthy adults, the United…… -嘆きのアリシア- (责任编辑:admin )
前へ: Do multivitamins make you healthier? Harvard Hea 次へ: Amazon.co.jp: 子ども用ローラースケート



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